Friday, June 21, 2013

What's in a name?

Bird Song Hill Farm

Don't ask me how many times I have changed this blogs name because I would most likely get into explaining to you how hard it is to take me out to a new restaurant.  This time it has stuck. Even before we purchased our property I was planning on giving this place a name. Like naming a child or animal you want a name that brings out personality and life. When I tell people where I live I want to impart on them the beauty that God has surrounded us with.  Even now as I sit here I can here the birds singing their morning greetings to each other in a very exuberant way. Yesterday was a frog strangler with the rain hardly letting up; all the birds stayed in there warm little nests waiting it out and it made for a very quiet day around here. Here is part of a song that will always make me think of our home here.
 The moon's on its way to its nightly shift, the frogs fill the creek below. The tall grass waves a farewell to the day, the wind moans sweet and low. A heron tucks his head in his wing, the fish in the lake float along. The sun sinks from sight: away, but never gone.
The dawn brings the dew like a thousand jewels, a nest rustles high on a bough. The blue egg stays warm in the cool of the morn, under a red breast of down. ] The clouds turn and stretch, the moon checks its wrist and gathers itself with a yawn, And winks to the sun: away, but never gone.
-Away but never gone, Wailin Jenny's- 
Over the last couple of weeks while we were finishing our chicken coop we kept seeing two Towhees that would chirp around us. I found their nest on the ground not 15 ft. from the coop. Its a miracle that we haven't stepped on it. I went and checked on the nest two days ago and I found three small  Towhees hatched!
Momma sitting on the nest

Took this picture this morning. I am guessing they are about 3 days old. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We had close to 30 trees taken down on our property a week and a half ago. That might seem like a lot but as you can see by the picture we have plenty left.  The reason being was because our house was in danger of being flattened by the 100+ ft.  douglas firs and cedar. Andy has been busy chopping wood from the dead standing trees that won't be sold. The birds were not too happy that we destroyed some of their homes, we could hear them chirping in protest as they jumped around on the logs; I am hoping that we have given them enough time to rebuild before the lay eggs.

This picture was taken standing on our front porch. We have some guys and a big machine coming this weekend to stack all the logs as well as clear stumps so we can have a place for our garden and orchard.
 Starting from scratch is hard at times. We will have no apples to pick in the fall or eggs to collect this spring but there is pleasure in the process of getting everything ready for those things and watching things grow from their infancy.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Homeschool field trip a.k.a. Good excuse for eating free chocolate

On Wednesday we took a trip into Seattle (no I do not like driving in this city and yes I had a slight panic attack as I got off the freeway) to learn about a special company that makes one of my favorite food groups....Chocolate! Not just any chocolate though. They are the first and possibly the only Organic, Fair Trade chocolatier in the U.S. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I am a chocolate snob but I definitely prefer the more pure form of the cocoa bean that hasn't been defiled with artificial and refined flavors.

The first part of the tour consisted of sampling chocolate bars based on their cocoa content while listening to how they turn a funny looking fruit seed into rich dark deliciousness. Are you salivating yet?   
My favorite was the spicy chile bar. When you first pop it in your mouth you taste a zest of Orange and as you let in go down you get a zing in the end from the cayenne.  The kids like the salted almond bar as well as their milk chocolate bar.

The next part of the tour we were able to go into the factory and see all the machines that processed the seeds. Did you know that the farmers ferment the cocoa fruit before drying the seeds?  I have a fascination with fermented foods so when I learned this I new my love for chocolate wasn't just superficial.

 And how cleaver of them to end our tour arriving in the gift shop after smelling the sweet confection throughout our tour.
We bought some of our favorites and shared them with daddy when he got home. Yes, the chocolate made it home!

You know, I live a monastic lifestyle. No, I do. I do live in extremes, basically. I go back and forth. Once every six months, I'll have a day where I eat more chocolate than has ever been consumed by a human being. Jim Carrey

For those of you who have never put cocoa in your oatmeal here is a favorite: oatmeal
5-Minute Chocolate Oatmeal
(Serves 1)
  • 1 serving rolled oats (40g)
  • 3/4 cup milk of choice
  • 1 banana
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • extra sweetener if desired
Combine all ingredients and cook, uncovered, over medium-high heat for 5-7 minutes. When it starts to bubble, stir occasionally. When I make this for others, I stir in 1 tbsp sugar (or 1 packet nunaturals stevia).

Monday, February 18, 2013

All moved in

Color inspiration for the exterior of the house.
Well, here we are. After 6 months of paper work and a short sale we were blessed to call this place home, blue paint, cobwebs and all. With lots of elbow grease, LOTS of paint and some skill this place will be a gem.  Recently I stepped out our front door after a long few days of being inside and opening boxes. It was whisper quite, except for the wind in the trees and the birds singing in the branches. I have found my spot. Getting in my car to drive anywhere is difficult. 
As I line my book shelves with Country wisdom know-how I can't help but dream about the not too distant future when we will buy our first cows, pigs, and yes turkey's.  There are moments when I catch myself in a blank stare  thinking about all the work that I will be responsible for and then I pray.  I pray that this will be the place that my children will learn what it means to work hard and seek pleasure from it. I pray that this will be a place that they will come for peace. I pray that our children will see a marriage that loves passionately and steadfastly, and that they see us enjoying each others company while we work.
I am really looking forward to the pleasure that I will have working along side Andy.  Some of the best memories I have have of us being together are not when we went to a fancy restaurant or expensive show, it was hunting together, and digging in the dirt together.  So here's to a new chapter to our short story while here in this little patch of green.
Looking up our driveway to the.

This was the first place I tackled.

Looking out the top floor windows. I love waking up in the morning and watch  the fog roll by.